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The ABC Dry Powder extinguisher is a multi-purpose extinguisher suitable for use on (Class A, B and C) fires involving combustible solids, flammable liquids and gases. The highly-rated extinguishant is Mono-Ammonium Phosphate, which is a fine powder that can knock down flames quickly and protect users against the radiant heat from a fire.


The down-side with powder is that it can result in intensive clean-up implications, so it might not suit large, indoor, open areas. Whilst it is safe for use on electrical fires, it should be noted that it can cause contamination of sensitive equipment / environments and corrosion of electrical components if not meticulously cleaned.


Ideal for domestic use and a variety of commercial and industrial applications,including outdoor areas and vehicles, where freezing temperatures can adversely affect liquid-based extinguishers. ABC Dry Powder however is not recommended for use in escape routes of premises due to the reduction in visibility caused by the powder, albeit temporary.


The Dry Powder unit is also the only extinguisher internationally approved for use on Class C (gas) fires, however it is recommended that the gas supply be shut off before tackling the fire to avoid the explosion and asphyxiation hazards of the gas flowing into the premises.


Manufactured in accordance with EN3, our 6kg ABC dry powder extinguisher also carries the CE mark and is independently tested  to BSI (British Standards Institution).



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